3D Printed Luminaire for More Efficient Output

Companies are resorting to 3D printed luminaires

Luminaires are produced every day on a large scale and many companies are always looking for newer and better ways to optimize their production process and increase productivity. That’s the main reason for an increase in the production of luminaires through 3D printing.

With the advent of technology, the world has been gifted with many breakthroughs and 3D printing technology is one of them. The concept of 3D printing has revolutionized many aspects of the modern industry and the production process of the luminaire is one of them.

The popularity of 3D printing luminaires

A popular trend is a completely different thing and taking productive decisions is a completely different matter altogether. So when a majority of the companies have migrated towards 3D printed luminaires from the conventional processes then the question of compulsion arises. The main reason behind the shift towards 3D printing methods for producing luminaires is plenty.

The key reasons

Among the several reasons for choosing 3D printed luminaires, the most vital aspect is that this method emits a striking 47% lesser carbon footprint as compared to the old and conventional methods. Also since the model is digitally modulated the wastage of resources is minimal.

Another vital reason is that since the 3D printed products do not make use of screws or glues or any other adhesives, the fittings are perfect and can be even taken apart very easily in case of any dispute regarding the finished product.

Most of the 3D printed products make use of plastic, including the luminaires. So there is an immense opportunity for recycling plastic wastes. Another benefit of switching to 3D printing is that it reduces the need for transportation of raw materials over large distances. And this aspect can massively reduce the prices of the finished goods.

Automation of the production process

The switch to 3D printing for producing luminaires has provided the opportunity for complete automation of the production process. The 3D printers are being connected to the purchase database so that when a customer places the order for any luminaire product, the information is automatically conveyed to the printer. The printer starts building the order and gives out a notification, once the process is complete. The market study on 3D printed luminaire market by Value Market Research states that this new trend has enabled the companies to employ large scale automation in the production process of luminaires.

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