Enhanced Carbon Nanotubes Using Chemical Crosslinks

Improving the carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes have slowly and steadily become an integral part of the various components used by the people. They are strong and a good conductor of electricity which makes them ideal for application in any kind of electronic device and the lives of the population around the globe has been made easier due to this innovation. They are even used as strong fibers and transistors. Their versatile nature makes them ideal for numerous applications. However, the drawback of using carbon nanotubes in anything is the fact that it besides adding some performance attributes also lowers some of the inherent performance factors of the base material.

To eliminate this issue, the researchers have come up with an idea for enhancing the existing carbon nanotubes technology. The carbon nanotubes can undergo chemical cross-linking that will ensure that their performance is enhanced as well as the performance of the base material also remains the same. This enhanced carbon nanotubes can be efficiently used in the matrix for airplane wings by using epoxy. They can exponentially increase the performance of the airplane wings.

Chemical crosslinks

The efficiency of carbon nanotubes can be increased by using chemical crosslinks. The chemical crosslinks mean simply that the individual carbon nanotubes are linked with each other by the means of a chemical. This is achieved by dispersing brominated hydrocarbon vapors into the matrix of the nanotubes. On heating, the bromine groups are detached from the hydrocarbon and they form covalent bonds with the carbon thereby linking them by chemical bonding. The heating is done using electricity. When the current is made to flow through the carbon nanotubes the junctions get heated up the most due to their high resistance and the heat joins the individual nanotubes together.

Enhanced mechanical and electrical properties

The overheating at the junctions on passing current is a one-time phenomenon and does not happen again. So the material derived is fit for electrical conductivity and mechanical activities. The carbon nanotubes after chemical crosslinking become more efficient for mechanical and electrical operations. The researchers have finalized the perfect method for achieving cross-linking and they are getting ready for the commercial launch for the new material soon. This innovation can be a breakthrough for future developments of new and enhanced materials.  Value Market Research, a market research company anticipates that with the launch of the enhanced version, the carbon nanotube market is expected to enter a boom phase in its demand.

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