Enhanced Clinical Trial Patient Management Technology

Problems faced by clinical trials for the covid-19 outbreak

Clinical trials are a necessary step for ensuring the safety and viability of using a drug by the public and its launch in the market. The covid-19 outbreak has caused a global pandemic causing more than half of the global population to go under complete lockdown. All the medical organizations and researchers are working at breakneck speed to come up with a viable cure for the coronavirus and that has been a major problem for the clinical trials. Since the coronavirus outbreak is heavily contagious, the clinical trials have come to a halt to prevent further spread of the infection but moreover to protect the medical staff from the disease. Because of the serious conditions, the medical staff is already under a lot of pressure and there is a shortage of helping hands. Further infection of any medical person will put unnecessary pressure on the government. These precautions and the severity of the pandemic has caused a problem with the continuation of the clinical trials by various organizations.

Enhanced patient management technology for conducting remote clinical trials

ClinOne has come up with an advanced technology that aims at easing the accessibility of remote patient management for the sake of conducting clinical trials. Clinical trials take months at the minimum and even years to complete before the vaccine or drug is launched in the market for the general public. The contagious nature of the pandemic has made it very difficult to conduct clinical trials as it requires very stringent environmental simulations and meticulous monitoring of the patient data.

The ClinOne technology allows for full virtual audio and video interaction with the doctors and researchers for the clinical trials with a medical assistant at the standby for the patient. The company is planning to integrate its technology with BioIntelliSense to offer BioSticker that can monitor the 14 vital signs of a subject and allows the doctors and researchers for monitoring patient data live from anywhere. This move is going to further enhance the accuracy and safety of the clinical trials. This integration also reduces the time for clinical trials considerably and the test for a new drug might be completed in days and months instead of taking years. The remote accessibility by the patients and doctors makes it a safer approach towards developing drugs for contagious diseases. According to the research by Value Market Research the market for clinical trials is expected to see a boom with the launch of this new technology as the world is struggling with the coronavirus and any technology that can speed up the development of a remedy will be welcomed by the nations.

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