Lemons are known for its nutrients and often called as a weight loss food. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C which minimises the risks of heart diseases and stroke. Plant compounds namely hesperidin and  diosmin have been found in lemons to lower the cholesterol levels.

There are various diseases like anaemia, kidney stones, cancer, blood sugar and digestive issues which can be improved by consuming a right amount of Vitamin C on daily basis. One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which 51% of the reference daily intake (RDI) is prescribed by doctors.  Consumers have started looking for Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables for the reduction of heart prone diseases, blood pressure control, and skincare and to strengthen the immune system.

For those persons, who can’t eat lemon as whole, they can simply peel it off and pour the lemon extract in luke warm water to drink. Whereas the intake of 24 grams of citrus fiber extract daily for a month reduces total blood cholesterol levels as covered by the research reports. Lemon extract having the citric acid properties may aid the formation of kidney stones by increasing urine PH and the urine volume. Another very common disease named as Anemia which occurs by the deficiency of iron from the consumption of foods, the absorption can be improved by lemons containing iron, citric acid and Vitamin C.

The main fiber in lemons is pectin which comes in form of soluble fiber leading to multiple health benefits. Lemons are not only the healthy fruit, infact it has distinct properties which contains a high amount of Vitamin C, soluble fibre and plant compounds which can aid a number of diseases.

Due to the curative properties of lemons, the lemon extract market has been expanding globally.  Value Market Research conducted a market study on this market with details segmentation and anticipates the market to showcase a high growth till 2026. There is a strong demand rising by the growing population worldwide which has to be conditioned by the cultivation of lime and lemon in the upward trend. Regions affecting such demand of the lemon market are mainly in North America, U.S., Asia, China and Europe.

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