Honda’s Smart Helmet unlocks Scooter, Increases Safety

Honda has come up with an innovative solution which could make helmets essential on all of its future two-wheelers. The Japanese manufacturer is working on a helmet that will use remote key access to unlock a scooter. It’s on the same lines as the typical key fob found in today’s cars which uses keyless ignition or a conventional key to unlock and start the ignition but Honda is also giving it facial recognition. Basically, the technology will help increase the security of the vehicle as well as rider safety in the future.

Interestingly, the smart helmet uses an inbuilt camera for facial recognition. To grant him access to the scooter, the camera scans the rider’s face. The concept completely eliminates the use of a key that owners tend to misplace quite easily. But the camera itself has limited memory storage. Further, the helmet also gets inbuilt sensors which act as a deterrent against drunk driving. To elaborate, the breath sensor restricts the rider from unlocking the scooter if it detects an alcohol level that’s higher than the set value.

In a country like India where most riders find the idea of wearing a helmet and protecting their head illogical, the feature could enforce safety among riders. Additionally, according to research done by Value Market Research on the Global Smart Helmet, the increasing concerns regarding safety and security for the motorcyclist and worker at across various industries, as smart helmets provide technical guidelines, is strengthening the demand of smart helmets market. On the flip side, the high cost of smart helmets hinders the market growth.

Further, if the concept actually makes it to production, it could change the face of the two-wheeler industry. Also, this will prevent riders from purchasing low-quality helmets from hawkers on the roadside or using a construction hat as an excuse for a helmet. While it sounds like a peculiar dream, the prospect of having a smart helmet isn’t impossible.

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